Present: Stephanie Chase, Judah Hamer & Lucinda Walker

    1. Review of documents pertaining to 501(c) 3 status:

The documents drafted by GMLC attorney, Brian Murphy were reviewed. We will look into purchasing Board & Directors insurance. It was decided to keep all of Mr. Murphy’s suggestions. It will be added to the Bylaws that if Consortium fees are not paid, libraries will lose all access to content and tech support. The Board of Directors will set up a meeting with Mr. Murphy in May to make final changes. The Annual Meeting will be scheduled during VLA.

    1. 2009 GMLC Fees

It was decided that 2009 fees (beginning 1/1/09) will be 3% of a library’s total materials budget. Libraries will not have to commit for a specific number of years.

  1. Grants Committee
  • Dan Greene has generously offered to write grants during the summer on behalf of GMLC. Each Director will be on the lookout for potential grants, especially those in the $200,000-250,000 range (over a number of years.)
  • Stephanie suggested that GMLC consider hiring someone to oversee the consortium and its various projects, especially as the number of projects increase. This may be a potential grant. The Directors will research appropriate compensation packages. This is envisioned as a 35/hr a week position. Responsibilities may include (but are not limited to)
    • Coordinate committees
    • Attend all committee meetings
    • Handle the finances
    • Be the main contact person
    • Be on the lookout for new projects
    • Help “sell” the GMLC’s projects to library boards and academics
  1. Update on Current Projects
  • Listen Up! Vermont

Judah is working on statistics for our blog. 1000 audios have been checked out as of this date!

  • KOHA
    • The KOHA group has been meeting once a month. The plan is to go online summer 2009. Fees would be .03 cents a record (titles not copies). Discussion centered on whether this project should be opened up to any library that is interested. The KOHA committee will be contacted for their views. There was also discussion about fees for joining and tech support.
  1. Future Projects
  • New databases: Novelist+ ($19K/yr) and Novelist ($12K/yr). It was decided to wait awhile before spending more time on it. It may be a good grant idea.
  • ILL Courier service – Judah will talk to academics about their interest in this.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 PM

Meeting held in Norwich, VT

In attendance – Stephanie Chase, Judah Hamer and Lucinda Walker

The meeting was called to order by Stephanie Chase at 1:00 PM

Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the April 10th meeting were unanimously accepted as written.

Treasurer’s Report – The budget was reviewed.  2008 revenue at this date is $53,280 with expenses totalling $51,865.

Listen Up! Vermont Updates – Round two will be announced later in June.  Twelve libraries have already said they will be signing up.  The current fee schedule was reviewed.  It was decided that the fee will be 3% of the participating library’s materials budget (up to $50,000) and 2.5% for those libraries whose materials budgets are greater than $50,000.  The fee will be capped at $5000.

The KOHA project is moving along.  Libraries interested in joining can now join at the new “Friend of KOHA”level ($250.)

While some libraries expressed an interest in adding EBSCO products to GMLC’s offerings, it was decided to put that project on hold for the time being.

A job description for the Listen Up! Vermont Coordinator was drafted.  Salary would be $50K – 60K.  The Board agreed to offer benefits and a wide variety of professional-related expanses.  This position will initially be grant funded.  In preparation for this, the Board will write a mission statement and long range plan.  They are meeting on July 23rd in Montpelier at the Grants Library to research appropriate granting opportunities.

Judah is researching accounting software and possible bookkeepers.

Meeting was adjourned at 3 PM

As the Green Mountain Library Consortium continues to grow, we’re looking for volunteers!

Projects Advisory Board. We frequently receive suggestions for services or projects to investigate offering at a state wide level; we’d love to be able to move more quickly on these suggestions, and think an advisory board would be the perfect starting point for these projects. Member libraries would contact the Projects Advisory Board with suggestions, which the Projects Advisory Board would decide whether or not to move forward with. The Projects Advisory Board would obtain pricing and information, and pass that on to the Green Mountain Library Consortium Board of Directors, along with their recommendation.

Members on the Projects Advisory Board would need to meet only as frequently as they decide, although, for budgeting purposes, not less than once every six months. Certainly, much, if not all, of the work of the group could be done via email or Skype conference call.

Grants Committee.  We would like to put together a committee to investigate grants large and small.

This committee would need to have a chair who can divvy up assignment. Small grants could be written by individual members, perhaps even in partnership with their own library; larger grants could be viewed as “one-time” projects, requiring work for a period of time, but not requiring meetings outside of that project.

Substitute Librarian Pool. Substitute arrangements, payment, etc. are between libraries, and not the Consortium.

In attendance: Stephanie Chase, Judah Hamer, Lucinda Walker

1. The GMLC bank account has been transferred to Chittenden.

2. The Selection committee will have $3000 to purchase new MP3 audiobooks. 

3. Judah will look into the cost of printing GMLC Member ribbons for the VLA conference.

4. GMLC will need to purchase 2009 edition of Quickbooks.

5. Discussion about an increase of fees – have a structure that is based only on the media budget and not on entire materials budget.

6. Overdrive should be Macintosh compatible by 12/31/08

7. Discussion re: where to put Listen Up! Vermont statistics in the Vermont Public Library report.  Judah will call Tom Ladd in NH to see where they report Overdrive statistics.

8. Recorded Books (administered by OCLC) is just now beginning to make available for purchase downloadable content – they don’t have consortium pricing yet.  Stephanie is talking to Joe Levy about a quote. 

9. 501(c) (3) status – Stephanie will email the attorney to check on status of our application.