GMLC Board Meeting Minutes
February 9, 2018
In attendance: Wendy Hysko, Kim Peine, Richard Pritsky, Chris Kirby, Lisa Von Kann, Mara Siegel, and Cindy Weber.
Elections: The terms for Richard Pritsky and Cindy Weber have been renewed for another three years, terms to expire in 2021. Mara Siegel has been elected to the board of directors, and her term will end in 2020. Cindy Weber has been elected as the new secretary. Cindy will post the amended and approved GMLC Board by-laws.
Treasurer’s Report: Kim has been having trouble accessing the new QuickBooks. She will contact Diane about this.
Overdrive Advantage Plus Update: Mara has scheduled an Overdrive training webinar for March 8th at 10:30. The webinar will be accessed through a Ready Talk platform, and there will be a registration link sent out. Discussion on webinar coverage took place ending with a decision that the webinar will include some training on Advantage and a large portion of the webinar to cover Advantage Plus. Overdrive’s January special will be carried through February. $250 will get a library in as a member and the money goes towards content that the library chooses. Mara will send out an email regarding the webinar and will include a link for basic introductory Advantage training.
Fletcher Free Library Update: Christine Webb from FFL has questions about GMLC membership, Mango and Overdrive. An email will be sent immediately to answer her questions.
Vermont Delivery Service Update: Added new libraries this week. Things are going well mostly due to GMM’s Jay’s preparedness. This service will be handed over to VtLib on March 1st and VtLib’s April will be the contact person for the delivery service. Will send some chocolate to Matt, Jay, and the Green Mountain Delivery people as a thank you for working with GMLC.
LUV Logo Feedback: Discussion and comments on eight LUV logos. Leaning towards looking at incorporating LUV into our GMLC logo.
Other: Lisa asked about a DOL Ovedrive for schools initiative. Looks like it is called Vermont Schools Shared Digital Collection, Not sure who is involved and how it works. Mara will contact a few colleagues to find out more.
The Vermont Library Association Conference is May 18th at Lake Morey. Wendy will contact the conference committee to get the GMLC annual meeting on the conference schedule.
Next GMLC Board meeting will be April 13th, 2 p.m.